This is a first time blog so everyone needs to be forgiving. We are sisters who travel together. We started traveling as a family every summer, and ended up visiting almost every capital city in the U.S.A. (something our father always wanted to do, go figure). The places were not always the garden spots that highlight a typical vacation, but the journey and shared experiences remain in our psyche today years later. The fighting over who had to sit in the middle seat (let's face it, it was always me), who would have to sleep on the roll away at the Holiday Inn (ditto, above comment), and just plain sister issues (come on we all have them if we have sisters). As we grew up and apart geographically we came to the conclusion that to keep in touch meant making a concerted effort. We started with hitchhiking along on trips our parents took, and evolved into "Sister Week" in the Big Apple every September, add on a few cruises, the typical family get-togethers and we seem to be making a go on the staying connected thing. The parents are no longer on this planet, the core that kept us connected gone, so the job of tying the family together, of giving our children generational continuity is left on our shoulders.
Now that you know a little bit of what makes us tick, the adventure begins.
We're off to the Land of the Midnight Sun, in concert with two ladies we met on a previous trip (Rome, 2001). After that trip the four of us decided to meet up every summer for a weekend not only to reconnect but to plan the next years meeting place.
This year our journey officially starts on June 28th, but because of geography I'm heading out early to meet up with sis. Out trip takes us to Stockholm, St Petersburg, Helsinski, Berlin, Kiel, and Copenhagen. We are on the Crystal Symphony. We take a three day layover in London on the way home.
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