Thursday, July 2, 2009

I understand from one reader that I need to be blogging more often. Ok, but between all the meals, social engagements, and sightseeing we're doing finding the time is difficult. So I will endeavor to bring you more info and pics as the days go on.
We docked in St. Petersburg this morning. Much red tape and general bureaucracy to go through, they even brought dogs on board. If you didn't plan a shore excursion through the ship you had to obtain your own visa, otherwise the Russians don't let you off the ship. Here I was thinking the Russia of today was more progressive. 

1 comment:

  1. I just want to say: am enjoying the blogs.
    Don't worry about whether you have a chance to post; it's your time to just enjoy everything you do.

    To Susie, I'll have to send a private message, via Facebook, as regards cruise/ship stories you may or may not relate to.


